There’s something truly wonderful about getting in touch with the earth’s bounty! Have you ever been greeted by a flock of chickens as you go out with a bucket of grain, and then displayed their eggs as a centerpiece on your table because they are so beautiful? Have you ever breathed in the fresh, clean, smell of damp earth as you turn it over in your hands and felt excitement as you watched the first cotyledon leaves of a pea plant poke up from the soil in the spring. Have you ever smiled as you watched two new kids frolic with their mother in the new spring grass, and tasted the sweet milk she gives? Have you ever loved the wind in your hair and felt your heart soar as you flew bareback on a horse through the fields? Life has so much to offer, but these are the things that make a heart whole, that keeps a person grateful, that heals after trauma, that brings true Joy!